Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Effortlessly safeguard your intellectual property by following our streamlined process for copyright material removal. Simply contact us with the necessary details, and our dedicated team will ensure prompt action within 72 hours, prioritizing accuracy and efficiency.

To request the removal of any copyrighted material, please follow the procedure outlined below. If you identify copyrighted material either posted on our platform or linked to it, kindly contact us for prompt removal.

Your copyright infringement claim should encompass the following details:

  • Provide evidence of your authorization to act on behalf of the exclusive right owner allegedly infringed.
  • Include sufficient contact information for us to reach you, along with a valid email address.
  • State that the complaining party genuinely believes that the material’s use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • Confirm, under penalty of perjury, the accuracy of the information in the notification and your authorization to act on behalf of the allegedly infringed exclusive right owner.
  • The infringement notice must be signed by the authorized person acting on behalf of the exclusive right owner allegedly being infringed.

Please send the written infringement notice to the following email address:

Kindly allow us up to 72 hours to process and remove the copyrighted material. Note that forwarding your complaint to third parties, including our Internet Service Provider, will not expedite the process and may lead to delays if the complaint is not properly filed. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the timely and effective resolution of copyright infringement concerns.